Deep-sea bioluminescent worm captured in stunning footage

The mysterious dance of the deep-sea bioluminescent worm

The ocean is an endless and mysterious world, full of amazing creatures. In the twilight zone of its depths hides the secret of a deep-sea bioluminescent worm, captivating with its dance in the water column, reports Live Science.

Scientists from the Schmidt Ocean Institute discovered this mysterious dancer off the coast of Chile during an expedition to underwater mountains. Later identified as a segmented worm, Tomopteris, it is a unique creature that spends its entire life in the depths of the ocean, never touching the seabed and deprived of sunlight.

According to senior research scientist at MBARI, Steve Haddock, members of this species are constantly moving in the darkest parts of the ocean. Scientists observed the glowing worm using a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) at a depth of 554 meters, and then again at a depth of 678 meters. They are usually found at depths ranging from 200 to 1000 meters in the twilight zone of the ocean.