Conflict between Vladislav Kirichenko and Tetiana Honchenko: What happened

Vladislav Kirichenko’s Facebook Post

On June 5, Vladislav Kirichenko expressed his negative attitude towards Tetyana Honchenko, referring to her as a «mudslide» who continually seeks to stab or humiliate others on her popular Telegram channel, which boasts over 30,000 subscribers. It is important to note that while Honchenko’s channel has slightly over 28,000 subscribers, it remains the most popular book channel in Ukraine.

Kirichenko also called upon Oleksiy Erynchak, the owner of the «Sens» bookstore, to intervene in the situation, claiming that Honchenko is employed on a salary basis within the «Sens» ecosystem (which includes the media outlet «Sensor»). Kirichenko threatened that unless action is taken, books from «Our Format» may cease to be sold at the store, similar to what has occurred previously with «Yakabu» and «Ye Bookstore».