Weapon found in the forest near Olevsk: man taken into custody

Forest protection of Olevsk forest management detected a man with a weapon, which led to the call of a police investigative-operational group. This was reported by the Capital Forestry Office on their Facebook page.

During a routine patrol near the Snovidovychi forestry office, forest protection officers heard shots and found a Chevrolet Niva car parked in the forest glade. Upon inspecting the car, foresters found a weapon with an optical sight on the back seat. Forest protection immediately called the police investigative-operational group to the scene, which seized the weapon for further investigation.

The man with the weapon was charged with several offenses: illegal handling of a weapon, driving a vehicle under the influence of alcohol, and violating hunting regulations.

The Capital Forestry Office urges everyone to be responsible and assist foresters in preserving the forests. If you witness any violations or suspicious activity in the forest, immediately report it to forest protection or the police.